If you are looking for an exclusive gift for Jonas, Janina or little Jonukas, a Midsummer Day medal is a great choice. We have created a medal of exceptional quality for this occasion. It will become a unique gift on Midsummer Day (St. John’s Day). Delight the Jonas or Janina you know with this medal.
Midsummer is the shortest night of the year, which we cannot imagine without a search for a dream-fulfilling fern blossom. This is why the reverse of the medal shows the magical fern with an impressive flower. It is supplemented by the following words: “Midsummer is here, the fern will bloom again. We will walk down a dark path, looking for it until dawn!” (“Atėjo Joninių naktis, paparčio žiedas vėl pražys. Eisim mes tamsiu keliu, ieškosim jo iki paryčių!.”) The other side of the silver medal, the obverse, shows the four cardinal directions with the symbols of different seasons – the circle of time. It is a reminder of the flow of time and the festivities marking the changing seasons. The following words remind us of that: “Time flows, everything around us changes, one holiday replaces another, and on and on every year…” (“Laikas bėga, viskas keičiasi aplink, vienas šventes keičia kitos ir taip kasmet…”)