
    5 DOLLARS Silver Coin ‘Mistress of the Sea’

    SKU code: 15222188

    The new coin portrays Mistress of the Sea sailing one of her ships, holding a sword, ready to strike whoever dares to oppose her. In the background, we see traditional Chinese junks giving a glimpse of the impending fleet. This coin is a great treat for adventure lovers, transporting us to a breathtaking era that might seem too wild if it were not true. Taking a hold of this coin may get you in the shoes of those pirates or their enemies, who so often battled over gold and silver.


    Fine silver Ag999


    62,2 g


    45 mm


    antique finish



    Face value

    5 Dollars Liberia

    Date of issue



    Digital printing, High relief, selective gilding


    capsule, presentation box, certificate




    Mistress of the Sea (real name: Zheng Yi Sao) was a pirate leader active in the South China Sea at the beginning of XIX c. She wrecked havoc in the open waters and caused trouble even to such powers as the Portuguese Empire, the Great Qing, or the East India Company, to name a few.


    With the wind billowing in her sails and the salty spray of the ocean clinging to her skin, Mistress of the Sea commanded a fleet composed of 400 junks and between 40,000 and 60,000 pirates. This power to be reckoned with was known as the Guangdong Pirate Confederation.


    Mistress of the Sea struck fear into the hearts of merchant sailors and colonial officials alike, as the infamous black flag of pirates marked the approach of chaos. Each successful raid not only enriched the pirate queen but also reinforced her legendary status as the scourge of the sea. Not only that, she understood the intricate dynamics of fear and respect, using them to manipulate rival factions and even negotiate with colonial powers.


    Yet, the tides began to turn as the Qing authorities, backed by foreign powers eager to stabilize trade routes, launched a concerted campaign against piracy. The once-feared Mistress of the Sea found herself facing a huge coalition of naval forces. The era of piracy was drawing to a close, but the legacy of The Mistress of the Sea as one of the most successful pirates in history would linger as a reminder of a time when the vast ocean served as both a highway of commerce and a battleground of lawlessness.


    The new coin portrays Mistress of the Sea sailing one of her ships, holding a sword, ready to strike whoever dares to oppose her. In the background, we see traditional Chinese junks giving a glimpse of the impending fleet. This coin is a great treat for adventure lovers, transporting us to a breathtaking era that might seem too wild if it were not true. Taking a hold of this coin may get you in the shoes of those pirates or their enemies, who so often battled over gold and silver.



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